Please read the following instructions very carefully.
Maximum time allowed:
a) for Class 1- 4 is 120 minutes
b) for Class 5-12 is 180 minutes
The Contest will be held in 6 categories:
a) PreEcolier (Class 1-2) b) Ecolier (Class 3-4)
c) Benjamin (Class 5-6) d) Cadet (Class 7-8)
e) Junior (Class 9-10) f) Student (Class 11-12)
Before starting the exam:
a) Students must have their Roll Numbers with them.
b) Verify that the Roll Number appears correctly within the UserID box of the exam link.
During the exam:
a) Any attempt to cheat during the exam will be a cause for immediate dismissal from the contest.
b) Students must not stop the session and then return to it. This is especially important in the online environment where the system will "time-out" and will not allow the student to reenter the exam link.
c) To start the contest, students have to click the link only ONCE to launch the exam. Double click may lock the exam.
d) Click the “FINISH” button to submit the exam, do not press “Enter” on the keyboard to submit the exam
What to do if online exam is interrupted:
a) Students have options of two more attempts of “LOGIN” in case of any disconnection, etc within the stipulated time.
b) There is no third “Login” attempt and all answers marked by student will be auto saved, if he/she is not able to click on Finish” button.
c) Reconnect to the Internet and follow your original instructions to access the exam login page.
Minimum Browser Requirements